Larry Yakiwczuk

Larry Yakiwczuk is the founder of all the private companies within the Buckaru Business Group:

  • Buckaru Investments
  • Buckaru Publishing
  • Buckaru Auctions

He has 6 University degrees:

  • B.Sc.(HONORS) in Honors Physics
  • M.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering
  • M.Sc. in Medical Physics
  • B.Sc.(SPECIALIZATION) in Genetics
  • B.M.S. in Medicine
  • M.B.A.

Over 35 years of Real Estate investing and property management experience.

Over 20 years of Stock Market and Derivatives trading experience.

And he has been financially FREE for the last 15 years.

He has also published over 20 books since 2015.

His proprietary Investing and Business strategies have allowed his investors to receive above average returns Consistently regardless of the current market conditions. His mission is to help other small business owners and investors achieve their own financial goals and become financially FREE, either through education or investments.

He is always willing to hear from anyone interested in educating themselves or investing. He can always be contacted through his book or personal websites. Just google him!




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